The roses have been busy. I was late to take notice that spring has exploded in my back courtyard. It seems as if it happened overnight. This past winter was extremely cold and that accounts for all the profusion of flowers – the azaleas look incredible and I suspect the bluebonnets have turned the fields along the back roads leading to Round Top into a sea of purple.
In my courtyard, the three rose bushes from The Antique Rose Emporium in Independence, Texas, have completely overtaken my back fence. I planted these bushes about 15 years ago. The antique climbers quickly grew to full height, around 15’, arching out over the gravel courtyard in a magnificent display of dark pink and creamy white roses. Until one day that is, when I came home to discover the Rose Tenders crew had cut the bushes back, taking off about 8 ft. of limbs. I can’t recall ever being so angry and upset over a flower before. Irate too at the stupidity of “pruning” an antique climber. It’s taken years for these bushes to reach back to their full height again, and even then, they have never achieved that weeping, arching effect. I’m waiting for that, maybe next year, or the next. And yes, I did break down and buy the Kooboo chairs. It’s a story for another day – lots of changes going on inside my house which I hope to show you soon.
There are two bushes of these pink roses. One on the left side, and one in the middle right over the fountain. The pink roses aren’t particularly fragrant but that’s ok. The creamy rose makes up for the scentless pair.
It seems as if the rose bushes grew several feet overnight! The amount of their growth this spring has been incredible. Because of this massive growth, the iron trellis over the fountain can barely be seen now. Only the twinkly lights alert you to the fact that there is indeed a trellis there.
The creamy white roses are on the right side of the yard. This variety isn’t nearly as tall or full as the pink. I should have planted all three bushes the same variety – but at the time, I had no idea I was making a landscaping decision that would be here 15 years later!
The freezing winter caused a lot of damage around town. I lost two potted trees and all my variegated ivy is gone. The pots were filled this week their summer plants and all the beds have been cleaned out and planted with green and white caladiums, whose ears should start peeking out soon.
I wrestle with the landscape design. Some days I love the cluttered English style garden with masses of roses and ivy everywhere. Then there are days when I want the stark green only garden with box and zinc pots and lots of succulents. One day…. if I ever have room for both kinds of gardens, that might happen. Right now the English look is winning.
Unfortunately, I don’t know the name of the rose varieties, but it really doesn’t matter. All of The Antique Rose Emporium varieties are perfect. Go HERE to read my story about The Antique Rose Emporium. Go HERE to read their web site.