On Saturday, Blogger Cote de Texas welcomed All The Best's Ms. Ronda Carmon to Houston to discuss blogging, design, publishing, and other important topics. The summit meeting, held in Southampton, Houston's Museum District, lasted approximately two hours over lunch. In a sign of solidarity, the two parties both ordered the same dish: crab cakes with chicken noodle soup.
Over the course of lunch, it was discovered that the two bloggers share the same politics and the same feelings about the current administration. Whoop!!
Following a quick shopping trip to M. Naeve, the two parted, promising to rendezvous at another summit, date to be determined by their social secretaries. At an impromptu press conference held outside M. Naeve, Cote de Texas stated that All The Best was sweet, friendly, very pretty, easy to talk to, warm, and politically - very smart! All The Best is heading back to Scotland soon, while Cote De Texas headed off to an appointed with a client.